Avocation app

Avocation app is a habit tracker, created by David Jöch and myself back in 2020. At the time we were interested in habit development, however, we could not find an existing product that would fulfil our needs.

The majority of products on the market were based on the concept of exhausting streaks and seemed to lack a strong motivating factor. Using "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg as our inspiration, we decided to create our own app which would be fun to use and backed by science. This is how Avocation came to life! It feels like only yesterday we discussed first ideas in the kitchen of our small flat in Vienna, while as of today our product has been downloaded more than 1,5 million times around the globe.

The main idea behind the app is that it is small daily commitments that matter in a long run. After countless sketches and designs, we decided to visualise habits in circles, with a progress stroke filling up as you move towards your goal.
To motivate our users we designed a virtual plant that grows along with you as you complete your habits and get better every day. You don't need to finish 100% of your daily goal to "water" the plant and help it grow. Instead, you simply need to show up and do your best!
Statistics screen allows you to keep track of how far you've come. Following the plant theme, it is visualised as a jar of water, filling up as you progress on your habits. The plant and the water bottle were some of the first Lottie animations that I created.
The main idea behind the app is that it is small daily commitments that matter in a long run. After countless sketches and designs, we decided to visualise habits in circles, with a progress stroke filling up as you move towards your goal.
To motivate our users we designed a virtual plant that grows along with you as you complete your habits and get better every day. You don't need to finish 100% of your daily goal to "water" the plant and help it grow. Instead, you simply need to show up and do your best!
Statistics screen allows you to keep track of how far you've come. Following the plant theme, it is visualised as a jar of water, filling up as you progress on your habits. The plant and the water bottle were some of the first Lottie animations that I created.

Avocado theme

The name of the app is a bit of a wordplay. While it is a term of its own (avocation is a hobby outside of ones main occupation), it definitely has something to do with avocados. It was therefore a no-brainer for us to let this cheerful character accompany you throughout the app.


Icons are a big part of the app design, since every hypothetical habit or activity needs to be represented visually in some way. For a long time we let our users suggest new icons and from that experience we learned, that there is no such thing as enough icons😅

For more information such as features, new updates and download links please visit the page linked below☺️